Monday, January 16, 2012

Sanctity of Life Sunday 2012

Hello All! Happy New Year to you! I am so excited and encouraged about 2012! My prayer for you, for CareNet and for our families this year is that the Lord would make us strong: spiritually, emotionally, mentally, relationally and physically. I am asking the Lord to equip us to run the race He has laid out for each of us. That we will all stand in the place He has asked us to stand and together we will see miraculous advancement of His Kingdom.

This Sunday, January 22nd is Sanctity of Life Sunday. Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is a national day to raise awareness about the intrinsic value of human life and the fundamental right to life.

In 1983, President Reagan issued a proclamation creating this special day. It is held on the Sunday in January that falls closest to the day on which the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions were handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court on January 22, 1973.

I recently saw a quote from Christine Caine, "Once you can't un-know."

Pretty profound statement and I think it has great application related to the subject of abortion. Years ago, we debated the issue of when life begins to determine whether or not we were even talking about a baby. Thanks to scientific advancement and ultrasound, we have a window into the sacred sanctuary of the womb and we know what we witness is the life of a baby yet to be born.

I have had the privilege of visiting with many, many women facing all of her options in unplanned pregnancy. As we approach the 2012 election, there are many people voicing their opinions about many issues, one of which being abortion. We hear things like: It's a woman's right. You can't legislate morality. It's her body. Talk about things that are important, like the economy.

I can assure you that when women come into CareNet and they are face to face with the life and death decision of abortion. Her reasons for considering that choice sound nothing like the arguments listed above. She says things like: I have no money and don't know how I will care for a baby. My parents will kick me out. My boyfriend will leave me. I was on my way to college. The fact is that there is "some - thing" making her feel as though abortion is her only option. It is our opinion, that the loving thing to do is to help her with that "thing" so that she can make a positive choice for herself and her child.

It takes courage to journey with and step into a difficult life situation with another. Especially when you may gain nothing...only offer a hand to hold as you gentle guide her to the garment of the gentle, Savior who holds her salvation and redemption.

Fact is we now "know"... it is a baby, we know abortion takes the life of an innocent child, that abortion scars a woman in the most intimate places, that it isn't an answer to a difficult situation but a quick fix that is only a band aid to the real issues and struggles.

If we now cannot "un-know" we are responsible to act.

There is beauty and hope all around us. As Christ-followers, may 2012 be a year when we approach situations and people with eyes wide open. A year that He allows us to see through the chaos and confusion to see the heart of the matter. That we would choose life. Choose hope. Choose Him and help others to do the same.