Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Managing emotion

One discussion that takes place in my home on a regular basis is time management.  Questions can we fit that in?  Should we fit that in?  You go with Madi and I'll go with Jake.  Can you be home by 6:00 so I can leave by 6:15?  Can we attend that banquet?  We have a birthday party Friday night and Saturday afternoon.  Will we go to church Saturday night or Sunday morning?  When was the last time we talked about something other than our schedules and how tired  we are???

Maybe that sounds like a foreign language to you, but I can ask and answer most of those questions in my sleep they are so common in our home.  Tonight was one of those evenings, when I thought I must have "the mono" as one of my dear friends would say.  I sometimes get so tired and overwhelmed that even washing my face and putting on my pajamas can seem insurmountable.  How can I get it all done?

This evening as I spent several hours working on the long list of tasks that weren't yet checked off as of 7:00 pm...In the back of my mind, I was complaining yet again to the Father, "please help me manage my time." And then that still small voice that is so familiar, and particularly in those overwhelmingly busy times, is also too often out-shouted and over looked, pierced through my chaos, "Time management isn't the issue...managing the way you spend your emotion is."

That has rattled my cage.  Emotion I have pondered that, it makes perfect sense.  His ways are not our ways and His thoughts aren't our thoughts.  They certainly aren't mine.  But when He speaks, He makes all things clear.  My time never increases or decrease, there is never more or less.  Always the same, 24 hours each day.  But the way I spend my emotion during those 24 hours changes every day. 

I think what the Lord may be speaking to me is that our time is so precious and valuable...that we must consider, what moments and with whom we will spend our emotion?  Today, for instance..I had breakfast with Jake and Madi.  Texted Tanner and Whitney and several friends, family and co-workers.  Spoke to my sister on the phone.  Attended the all A lunch with Jake and his friends.  Had lunch with a precious friend.  Laughed with my kids.  Cried in worship and listened to some incredible teaching via podcast.  Aside from those things, I did many task oriented duties and was somewhat productive.  As I write this blog now, I am tired...both body and spirit.

But my perspective has changed...

A few hours ago, I was overwhelmed to the point of tears because it seemed like there wasn't enough time in this day.  But after a simple statement from the Almighty, things shifted.   My day today moved quickly and there were items unchecked on my to-do list.  But I am very pleased with the way I spent my emotion...with people I love who make me laugh and keep me grounded.  With my God who multiplies all our resources, including our time, to accomplish His calling.

Tomorrow I will think less about my time and more about my emotion.  I intend to manage it and spend it wisely.  I pray the same for you.

1 comment:

  1. WOW...that is very good. I struggle many days too with having too many things to do and not enough time. Just a simple twitch of the my attitude can put all things into a new perspective. Rather than looking at what isn't completed, look at all the wonderful things you did accomplish!! Thanks my friend!!
